Latest News

Understanding Usufructs Over Immovable Property

11 Sep 2014
A usufruct is a real right which gives the holder (referred to as the “usufructuary”) in his personal capacity the right to the use,

New proposed amendments to the National Credit Act

27 Aug 2014
The National Credit Act protects consumers, as well as small juristic persons, in that a single system to regulate credit was created which promotes a fair and

Landlords - Managing your tenant's liquidation

02 Jul 2014
In these hard times, you may well be faced with a situation where your tenant is liquidated (sequestrated) in the case of an individual or trust

Houses, Cohabitation, Co-Ownership and the Danger of Dispute

09 Jun 2014
A recent High Court case highlights once again the dangers of cohabiting without entering into a formal cohabitation agreement, particularly when substantial as

Urgent warning about fraudsters exploiting the conveyancing process

29 Aug 2013
It has come to my attention that fraudsters have identified the fact that there are opportunities tocause funds associated with conveyancing transactions to

Property Buyers and Historical Debt

20 Aug 2013
Previously, property sales transactions received the green light after specialist attorneys, known as conveyance attorneys, performed a multitude of mandato

Mandate clauses in leases - to do or not to do?

12 Aug 2013
I have noticed that some estate and rental agencies include clauses in the heart of the standard lease agreements which they recommend to landlords and tena

Including Movables in Property Sales Complicates Matters

07 Aug 2013
SELLERS sometimes include a number of movables, furniture, curtains or white goods in sale agreements as part of the purchase price, but this can complicate

Capital Gains Tax - DW - 19 Nov 2012(3)

18 Jul 2013
When selling a property a seller must give consideration to the payment of Capital Gains Tax. Prior to the 1st October 2001 there were certain profits which
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